Google: Differences Between 410 and 404 Is Too Minimal

The SEO topic of using a 404 versus a 410 error status code for pages not found is one of those topics that has been around for the past two decades. And now Google's John Mueller replied to another question about it saying that the difference between the two is so minimal that it doesn't matter.
Search Engine Roundtable 2:11 pm on April 11, 2024

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Google's John Mueller stated in a Reddit thread that the difference between using a 404 versus a 410 error status code for non-existent pages is insignificant for SEO purposes. He mentioned that the processing difference between the two is minimal, and over the years, Google's stance on this topic has changed multiple times.

  • Google's John Mueller stated that using a 404 or 410 status code doesn't matter for SEO purposes.
  • The processing difference between the two error codes is minimal.
  • Google has had inconsistent stances on this topic over the years.
  • Previously, 410s were considered more permanent and faster than 404s.
  • John Mueller encouraged living with the imperfections instead of wasting time debating the issue.

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