Fivetran Launches a Managed Data Lake Service

Fivetran's Managed Data Lake Service aims to remove the repetitive work of managing data lakes.
TechCrunch 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The text discusses Google's Gemini suite and its potential impact, investments in robotics post-pandemic growth, Shein and Temu facing scrutiny over DSA compliance, TeamVue hacked by Russian spies.

  • Google's launch of Gemini: Introduction to Google's flagship AI suite.
  • Robotics Investments: Highlighting post-pandemic growth in robotics investments.
  • Shein and Temu Scrutiny: Mention of EU's scrutiny on these platforms for DSA compliance.
  • Cybersecurity Threat: Reports about TeamVue being hacked by Russian intelligence group APT29.

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