Feature Flags in Bazel Builds

Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The text discusses the evolution and considerations in developing Pigweed, middleware supporting multiple build systems that generates configuration headers independently from build systems. Initially private, this development aids team migrations between CMake to Bazel with Chromium-style flags implementation. Later shared for broader use but prompting potential standardization within Pigweed as a ready-made solution (referencing b/342454993). It also explores the creation and utilisation of configuration headers, addressing compatibility across Bazel versions without relying on new features.

  • Pigweed Evolution: Developments in middleware support for diverse build systems, starting as an internal document that transitioned to a public resource.
  • Standardization Efforts: Proposal and discussion of standardizing Chromium-style flag implementation within Pigweed.
  • Configuration Header Generation: Techniques for creating configuration headers to avoid build system reliance, with options like file generation and Bazel's cc_library rule modification.
  • Bazel Version Compatibility: Strategies to work around older versions of Bazel without access to the latest features.


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