Dr Pepper Is Now As Popular As Pepsi. It's Still Shrouded in Mystery

Dr Pepper is tied with Pepsi to be the second-best-selling soda in the U.SDr Pepper is tied with Pepsi to be the second-best-selling soda in the U.S.
Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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Dr Pepper now equals popularity with Pepsi as its sales have reached the second spot in soda industry. The brand's unique recipe, including 23 mysterious flavors and no prune juice, continues to intrigue consumers. Ownership has evolved over time but retains a quirky image for marketing appeal.

  • Sales rank
  • Unique recipe and mysterious brand image
  • Evolving ownership structure, maintains quirky marketing approach
  • Popularity surge leading to Pepsi-level sales


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