Corsair Lets You Bling Out Keyboards, Mice, and Desk Mats

The Corsair Custom Lab has some trendy paint jobs, but its selection is a bit lacking at the moment.
PCWorld 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Corsair introduces customizable keyboard, mic, and desk mats in their latest range but falls short with a high price tag. The limited theme options do not offer much beyond pre-made sets from other brands at lower prices.

  • Product Introduction: Corsair's Custom Lab features keyboards, mics, and desk mats.
  • Limited Theme Variation: Only 10 themes with customizable color options offer slight differentiation from off-the-shelf alternatives.
  • High Price Point: Pricing exceeds value, especially compared to standalone accessories from other brands.
  • Market Positioning: Targeted towards Corsair enthusiasts looking for a comprehensive PC accessory system.

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