Copilot Studio Turns to Ai Powered Workflows

Microsoft's Power Platform AI tooling gets a major update and a new role in process automation.
InfoWorld 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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Copilot Studio enhances AI workflows with conversational actions, offering low-code development for autonomous agents without the need to understand underlying technologies. It uses generative AI within existing applications and supports no-cost, high-volume use cases.

  • AI Workflow Optimization: Introduces conversational actions for natural language processing in AI applications.
  • Autonomous Agent Behavior: Actions orchestrate user requests, with generative AI composing responses.
  • Integration and Configuration: Simple addition of natural language extensions to pre-existing applications in Copilot Studio.
  • Cost Efficiency & Scalability: Cost model based on message count, with a $30 user option for Microsoft 365.

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