Chatgpt Outage Disrupts Users Of the Most Popular Gen Ai Tool

It's two outages so far in less than a 24-hour period. data-hid=og:description
CNET 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

ChatGPT, OpenAI's popular AI tool, faced two outages in less than 24 hours on June 10th, disrupting users. These incidents followed the recent setbacks for tech giants like Google and AI advancements such as Google's 'Google Overview'. OpenAI addressed and resolved each issue promptly.

  • Two ChatGPT outages: Less than a day, affecting users globally.
  • Prompt resolution: Each issue was quickly identified and fixed by OpenAI.
  • Tech industry setbacks: Google's 'Google Overview' faced mockery before scaling back, emphasizing the volatile tech landscape.
  • AI advancements: Coinciding with OpenAI's disruptions were recent AI innovations and partnerships.

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