Better Late Than Never: Gemini App Finally Arrives in the Uk and Eu

After offering its next-generation assistant in more than 150 markets, Google has officially launched the Gemini app in
Android Authority 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The UK and EU now have access to Google Gemini, the company's new assistant app available through the Play Store. This update expands availability to over 170 regions after a slow rollout. Users need to switch from Assistant or wait for iOS compatibility in upcoming weeks.

  • Expansion: Gemini is now accessible on Android and will be coming to iPhones soon.
  • Play Store: UK and EU users can download it from the Google Play Store.
  • Compatibility Note: Gemini replaces Assistant, which means they cannot run simultaneously.
  • Potential for Future Integrations: The extension feature will allow integration with platforms like YouTube Music and more.

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