Apple's Ai Chatbot Won't Be Enabled Unless You Want It

A new report claims Apple is making its AI features opt-in instead of opt-out.
Macworld 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Apple's AI chatbot will be opt-in by default, offering advanced features such as voice transcriptions and auto-replies. Bloomberg reports suggest third-party partnerships for additional options while OpenAI technology powers the primary chatbot experience during iOS 18 and macOS 15 unveiling at WWDC.

  • Opt-in Chatbot: Apple's AI chatbot will be an opt-in feature for advanced features like voice transcriptions.
  • Third-party Partnerships: While OpenAI is at the forefront, Apple also considers third-party partnerships for more options.
  • WWDC Unveiling: Details on new AI features will be revealed at the upcoming WWDC event.
  • Siri and Chatbot Separation: Siri's existing capabilities won't integrate with the new chatbot, suggesting a distinct offering.

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