A Comprehensive List Of 2024 Tech Layoffs

A complete list of all the known layoffs in tech, from Big Tech to startups, broken down by month throughout 2024.
TechCrunch 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

TechCrunch reports companies like Shein and Temu comply with EU digital services regulations, Artyc raises $14M for temperature-sensitive specimen shipping, Feather secures $170M to expand grocery delivery service in Europe. Key points include:

  • Digital Services Regulation Compliance: Shein and Temu comply with EU digital services laws.
  • Shipping Innovation by Artyc: Raised $14M for a temperature-sensitive product, indicating the shipping industry's potential evolution.
  • Feather Expansion and European Grocery Delivery Market Potential: Secured funding to expand services across Europe, reflecting market growth.
  • TechCrunch Events 2024 Focus: Elevating 2025 fundraising strategies is a key theme discussed at the event.


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