Asml and Imec Unveil Pricy High Na Euv Playground for Chipmakers

Because who doesn t love a $373M toy?
The Register 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

ASML has sold the m component to Intel but uncertainties remain about i's recipient, with some claims Intel holds all manufactured units. ASML produces and sells photolithography machines for semiconductor fabrication. The content suggests strategic business moves amid geopolitical tensions affecting the chipmaking industry.

  • ASML's sale: Intels alleged possession of all manufactured m units, but recipient for i remains unknown.
  • Industry impact: Geopolitical tensions influence decisions in the semiconductor and chipmaking sectors.
  • ASML's role: Manufactures photolithography machines, key for semiconductor fabrication processes.
  • Strategic considerations: Balancing business decisions against broader market and geopolitical challenges.

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