Ai Pcs Might Solve a Real Problem: the 'friction' That Sees Users Ignore Security

Trend Micro says cloudy email scans trigger GDPR warnings that deter users. Local models that use NPUs don t
The Register 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The text discusses the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act and various cyber threats like DDoS, ransomware, identity theft. It also highlights data breaches, privacy concerns, security measures taken by companies such as Microsoft, AWS, and others.

  • Cyber Threat Landscape: Covers DDoS, ransomware, identity theft.
  • Data Protection Importance: Emphasizes legislation and breach consequences.
  • Technology & Security Measures: Involves Microsoft's actions, AWS MFA for privileged accounts.
  • Privacy Concerns: Addresses Apple Intelligence and Google privacy policies.

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