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Editorial Guidelines for Authors

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our website dedicated to search engines and SEO. To ensure consistency and quality across all our published content, please follow these editorial guidelines when submitting your stories.

Submission Guidelines and Content Requirements

  • Originality: All submissions must be original and can not published elsewhere. Plagiarism and AI Generated is strictly prohibited.
  • Relevance: Content should be relevant to search engines, SEO, digital marketing, or related topics.
  • Quality: Ensure your story is well-researched, accurate, and provides value to our readers. Word salad, trolling, or promotional items are not allowed.
  • Word Count: Articles should be between 800 and 2,000 words.
  • Language: Use clear, concise, and professional language. Jargon ok, but explain it early.

Formatting Guidelines

  • HTML Limited HTML ok, but no CSS as it can mess with templates.
  • Images: Include a featured image (1200×630) with submission (link to a dl or attachment) in JPG or PNG format.
  • Structure: Use headings (h1, h2, h3) to organize your content.
  • Paragraphs: Break up text into short paragraphs for readability.
  • Bullet Points: Use bullet points or numbered lists where appropriate.
  • Images: Include relevant images with proper attribution or ensure they are royalty-free (PNG or JPG).
  • Links: Include hyperlinks to credible sources to support your content. If you reference a post or credible page, then link to it. All offsite links should go to new pages (target=blank). No links to author sites or employers.
  • Related: Link to related content on SearchEngineWorld and Pubcon when appropriate.

SEO Best Practices

  • Conversational Keywords: Include relevant conversational phrases and keywords naturally within the content.
  • Meta: Provide a brief summary (150-160 characters) of your article.
  • Alt Text: Add descriptive alt text for all images.
  • Internal Linking: Where appropriate, link to existing content on our website.
  • External Links: Link to reputable sources; avoid linking to competitors.

Editorial Process

Our editorial team will review your submission for compliance with these guidelines. We reserve the right to edit content for clarity, style, add images, and length. If significant changes are required, we will contact you for approval before publishing.

Author Bio and Profile

  • Bio: Provide a short author bio (50-100 words) on first submission.
  • Photo: Include a high-resolution headshot.
  • Social Media: Optional links to your professional social media profiles or website.

Submission Procedure

Please submit your article in a text document or Google Doc format to our editorial team at via Pubcon. Include “Article Submission” in the subject line. After your first successful article acceptance, we will create a account on SearchEngineWorld for you to login and submit articles in the future.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us at Pubcon.

We look forward to receiving your contributions!